Spam Recycling Centre

I'm pink, therefore I'm spam.


Ha Fred

Nope, not even a good *guess* at Fred's address.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: lahoma gomez []
> Sent: 22 April 2006 09:03
> To: Mercy Johnson
> Subject: Ha Fred
> Fred is this your new email address? Your old one pops back
> when I mail to
> you??

Cher Ami,

There's a first for me - a 419 scam in French. My French isn't up to much,
but enough to tell it's a 419...


From: Villaran Nenita []
Sent: 22 April 2006 13:28
Subject: Cher Ami,

Cher Ami,

Je sais que vous serez étonnez de recevoir mon mail et je vous
comprends mais voyez vous cher monsieur, apres mure réflexion, je me décide
enfin, mais avant, je tiens a me présenter a vous. Je me rejoui que vous
avyez enfin pri contact avec moi. Mon nom est madame Villaran Nenita,je suis
une citoyenne philippienne a part entiere et la veuve du défunt ministre des
finances philippien qui est mort le 15 mai 2002.

Mon mari est tombé gravement malade est a donc été conduit en Europe
pour des soins intensifs, mais plus tard il est décédé des suites de sa
maladie et a été enterré.
J’ai donc hérité de mon défunt mari la somme de 12.000.000 de
dollars américains (douze millions de dollars américains).

Cet argent, je l’ai caché dans une mallette métallique et déposé au
sein d’une compagnie de finance et de sécurité ici en Philippine.Cependant,
ayant insisté aupres de la compagnie de finance et de sécurité pour que ma
mallette soit gardée avec un maximum de sécurité de tel sorte que personne
ni meme une organisation gouvernementale philippienne ne puisse prendre
connaissance de son existence, jusqu’a ce que je sois prete a la retirer,
alors la dite compagnie pour répondre a mon exigence maximum de sécurité a
utilisé des moyens diplomatiques pour envoyer ma mallette hors des
philippines et précisément a la maison mere de leur compagnie en côte
d’ivoire en Afrique de l’ouest ou ma mallette se trouve donc discretement
gardée dans le coffre fort de la compagnie.

Ce dépôt a été fait et codé dans le cadre d’un arrangement secret
selon lequel ma mallette contient uniquement des biens de famille.Cela
signifie donc que la compagnie elle meme ne connaît pas le contenu exact de
la mallette qui pour plus de sécurité a été envoyée en côte d’ivoire sous
une assurance diplomatique et déclarée comme contenant des biens de famille
.Aussi,la raison principale pour laquelle je vous envoie ce courrier est
qu’aujourd’hui, n’ayant plus confiance en mon entourage ici en philippine et
la côte d’ivoire étant un pays en proie a la guerre, je me retrouve dans une
impasse et je voudrais que vous m’aidiez discretement a emmener ma mallette
d’argent a une adresse beaucoup plus discrete et stable dans votre pays ou
je pourrai commencer a investir.

Si vous voulez sincerement m’aider, nous discuterons au préalable du
pourcentage que je vous donnerai sur la somme totale se trouvant dans la
mallette. En fait, depuis la mort de mon mari, ses freres m’ont chassée de
la maison familiale et ont essayé a plusieurs reprises de porté atteinte a
ma vie pensant qu’a ma mort tous les documents légaux des biens que
possédaient mon mari leur reviendraient de plein droit.Grâce a la notoriété
et aux relatons influentes que possedent les freres de mon mari, ils ont
réussi a m’arracher toutes les propriétés de mon défunt mari ainsi que tous
ses biens matériels. Mais ils ne se sont pas arretés la et m’ont obligée a
leur révéler tous les comptes bancaires de mon défunt mari en menaçant a
nouveau ma vie.Je leur est donc donner ces informations et ils ont
confisqués tous les comptes bancaires de feu mon mari.Je leur est tout
révéler sauf l’existence de ce dépôt que j’ai fait au sein de la compagnie
de finance et de sécurité a Abidjan en côte d’ivoire car ceci représente
tout mon secret espoir caché.

La famille de mon défunt mari n’est donc pas informé de l’existence
de ce dépôt que j’ai fait au sein de la compagnie de sécurité et elle ne le
saura jamais. Cependant, j’ai toujours peur des freres de mon mari car ils
continuent a m’espionner et vont jusqu’a écouter mes conversations. C’est
pourquoi j’ai décidé de chercher quelqu’un de confiance a l’extérieur des
philippines qui m’aidera a retirer la mallette de la compagnie de finance et
de sécurité et placer discretement l’argent dans son compte a l’étranger
pour un investissement futur.

Je vous demande de considérer ma situation qui est celle d’une veuve
et de venir a mon aide car aujourd’hui a part cette mallette, je n’ai plus
d’argent et ma situation financiere est plus que difficile(ma situation
financiere est a zéro). Et ma demande d’aide est d’autant plus urgente que
je paye 100 dollars par jour a cette compagnie de sécurité comme frais de
stockage et de sécurité de ma mallette. Si vous désirez m’aider, je vous
ferez parvenir dans mon prochain email, les coordonnées de la compagnie de
securité afin que vous les contactiez pour l’envoie immédiat de cette
mallette vers vous pour la securiser.

Je vous remercie infiniment pour votre coopération et j’attends de
vos nouvelles pour la conclusion de cette affaire.

Bien a vous


NB:Que cette année soit pour nous source d'espoir



> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: 22 April 2006 13:46
> Subject: HI.WINNNER
> Ref : GW/06-AT/4273
> Batch: GW/06/7676
> We
> are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual
> final draws of Payday International Lotteria Program.Payday
> International Lotteria draws was conducted from an exclusive list of
> 25,000,000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies picked
> by an advanced automated random computer ballot search from the
> internet as part of our international promotions program which we
> conduct every year. No tickets were sold.After this automated
> computer
> ballot, your e-mail address attached to serial number 25-6565
> drew the
> lucky numbers 08,15,23,16,33,42 which consequently emerged you as one
> of first five (5) lucky winners in the secound category.You have
> therefore been approved for a lump sum payout of 150,000.00 (One
> Hundred And Fifty Thousand Euros) in cash credited to file GW/06-
> AT/7676.Your fund is now deposited in an offshore bank with a
> hardcover
> insurance. Due to the mix up of some numbers and names, we
> advice that
> you keep this award from public notice until your claim has been
> processed and your money remitted to your nominated bank account as
> this is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or
> unwarranted taking advantage of this program by the general public.
> Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European
> booklet representative office in Spain. In view of this, your
> 150,000.00 (One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Euro) would be released to
> you by our affiliate bank in Europe. Our agent will immediately
> commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds
> to you as
> soon as you make contact with him.To begin your claims please contact
> our licensed and accredited agent assigned to you:
> Mr.Frank M.Lopez
> Chalets Security Agency.
> Madrid,Spain.
> Tle +34605196898
> Your claims agent will assist you in the processing
> and remittance of your prize funds into your designated bank account.
> Please, note that you will be required to pay for the
> issuance of your
> winning certificate and that all prize funds must be
> claimed not later
> than (4)four weeks. After this date all funds will be returned to the
> lottery treasury as unclaimed funds. In order to avoid unnecessary
> delays and complications, please endeavour to quote your
> Reference
> Number: GW/06-AT/4273 and Batch numbers: GW/06/7676 in every
> correspondence with your agent. Furthermore, should there be
> any change
> in your address, do inform your claims agent as soon as possible.
> Members of the affiliate agencies are automatically not allowed to
> participate in this program.
> Yours faithfully,
> Mrs.Patriccia Robcerto
> Promotions Manager.
> Payday International Lotteria.

FW: yesterday

...all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're here
to stay. Or at least all the annoying fucking spam is.

Cock off.

-----Original Message-----
From: Max
Sent: 22 April 2006 12:37
To: ebbe

Subject: yesterday

Heya ebbe,

Zachary wanted to me to shoot you an email about the site I went to,
http://www.spammingtwatscalledmaxwhoprobablyeattheirownpoo/, to buy my

ls and his resources and fight against all odds to become successful in
life. On the other hand, ey believe that a mans industry creates his fate
and that there are other forces that determin



John Konte.

There's a joke there, isn't there, Mr Konte?

What a Konte.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: konte []
> Sent: 22 April 2006 10:53
> To:
> Dear Friend .
> I am Rtd.Capt. John Konte of the Sierra Leone Army. I am one
> of the officers who
> maintained their allegiance to the elected government of the
> day when most of the
> loyalist soldiers deflected into the bush joining the Fode
> Sanko led Revolutionary
> United Force (RUF) rebels In the course of discharging my
> duty in 1999, leading some
> of my colleague alongside the West African Peace Keeping
> Force (ECOMOG) in a suit sweep on the
> (RUF) rebels in the Karlhum district in Northern Sierra Leone.
> Four trunk boxes (consignments) containing 520 kilograms of
> alluvia gold dust, of 22 carats and 992 purity, Diamonds and
> US$50 million was captured across the line of fire. It was
> later identified as the consignments of Diamonds looted from
> the bank of Sierra Leone in 1997 when the Army overthrew the
> government of Alhaji. Ahmmed Tijah Kabbah and invited the
> rebels to join re-enforce their illegitimate government
> though they were ousted later by the West African Peace
> Keeping Force. But before retreating from the capital (Free
> Town), this government joint military and rebels looted the
> country's treasury to enable the sponsor of their illicit and
> illegitimate course.
> Regarding the situation at hand, I immediately commandeered
> this boxes in pretext of returning it to the elected
> government when PEACE is restored but in disguise. I diverted
> this box into a personal treasure which I have so much
> guarded till this day as my future and that of my immediate
> family depends so much on it and my ability to dispose and
> invest the proceeds wisely.
> Now that relative peace has been returned in my country with
> the help of the West African Peace Keeping Force and United
> Nation Forces, I have succeded in smuggling this treasure
> through a fishing boat to a neighboring country Ghana. I
> hereby solicit your help to evacuate and dispose these
> Diamonds, alluvia gold dust and US$50 million abroad where I
> believe they are more useful and profitable. They are in four
> trunk metalic boxes.
> Having considered the CERTIFICATION Policy to export and sell
> gold, I have also in plan to talk to a number of my contact
> in the ministry responsible in the country where the
> consignment was sent to for arrangements to certificate this
> treasure for a hitch-free evacuation to your area of choice.
> All terms and conditions to this transaction are open to
> negotiation. Other detail will be worked out in a joint
> meeting with you and my contacts in the ministry. I am
> looking forward to your quick response to enable me arrange
> for your coming downs time may permit me bearing in mind the
> nature of my profession.Reach me through email:
> (
> Thanking you for understanding.
> Yours faithfully
> Capt John Konte (rtd.)


> I am Doctor.

Really? I am Layabout.

Oh, and "Fifty teen million" - are you a hobbit?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: DR. LEWIS []
> Sent: 22 April 2006 07:09
> To:
> Subject: RE.
> D 1367 North Riding
> Bloemfontein JHB
> Contact Person:
> Dr. Lewis Stephen.
> Good Day,
> I am Doctor. Lewis Stephen, the owner of two private
> Hospitals in south
> Africa, I know the letter might come to you as a surprise,
> but take it like
> your own opportunity. There is one Mr. ALEJANDRO RODRIGUS,
> from India who
> died of HIV/AIDS in my hospital and his wife called me and
> explained to me
> how she was feeling too ashamed of his husband who died of
> HIV that she will
> finally return to India, as she cannot stay in South Africa.
> She abandoned his husband and all of his documents in my
> hospital and left
> for India I consulted the government on this problem that
> happened in my
> hospital, the investigation from the government went through
> and the man was
> buried, over three years now, precisely on 16th march 2002.
> While I was
> going through some documents in my office, I came across this
> problem file,
> which took place few years' back. In the course this, I found
> he has a fixed
> deposit account with First National Bank, South Africa for
> two years and
> eight months, now is over three years. Amount Fixed worth of
> $15,900,000.
> (Fifty teen Million Nine Hundred Thousand US Dollars). I have
> called the
> First National Bank for confirmation of this Mr. ALEJANDRO
> RODRIGUS, (He was
> a Car dealer in Africa), and the amount deposited was
> confirmed by the bank,
> that the amount is due for claims only if the next of kin is
> produced. To
> insure transparency, you can verify the authenticity of this claim.
> Meanwhile, First National Bank of South Africa is waiting for the
> beneficiary to come for the claim of the Fixed sum, all
> effort to reach the
> diseased wife with the contact numbers was abortive, I know
> that the wife,
> died also with HIV and no person to contact as the next of
> kin, hence I
> contact you to stand as the Next of Kin. This is highly
> confidential for
> security reasons. Hence, it is between you and I. the man's
> documents are
> right under my custody with the fixed Sum: $15,900,000
> Million US Dollars.
> Ref- number: Ra/Ph/3-9/2002. I repeat you will act like the
> Next of Kin to
> this money; I will give you more information about the
> transaction. Don't
> forget to include your direct telephone/fax number. Call me with
> +27-73-77-58-672 OR Write to me with Email:
> ,
> to acknowledge your email. You are entitle to 40% of the
> total amount, as
> your percentage.
> I wait for your urgent reply.
> Kind regards,
> Doctor Lewis Stephen
> _________________________________________________________________
> Customise your home page with RSS feeds - visit MSN SA today!

Check the status and history of your account

PayPal now using the address ''? Unusual.



From: PayPal []
Sent: 22 April 2006 04:20
Subject: Check the status and history of your account
Importance: High

As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in
Pay Pal system. We recently noticed that your account was accessed
by unauthorized third party. Because protecting the security of your account
is our primary concern, we are forced to limit the access to sensitive Pay
Pal account features. We realise that this may be an inconvenience but
please understand that this temporary limitation is for your protection.
Case ID Number: PP-042-818-072

Your Personal Data includes information that can identify
you as a specific individual, such as your name, address, phone number,
credit card number or e-mail address are stored in your account. Is strongly
recommend that you log into your account and verify your Personal Data. We
apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

To review your account and some or all of the information that Pay
Pal used to make its decision to limit your account access, please visit the
Resolution Center
<> . If, after reviewing
your account information, you seekfurther clarification regarding your
account access, please contact Pay Pal by visiting the Help Center and
clicking "Contact Us". We thank you for your prompt attention to this
matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help
and protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Pay Pal Account Review Department

Pay Pal Email ID PP520952

Make good income as Judicial Judgment Professional

That's a lot of months. Many people would start referring to it in years.
But not you.

You're weird.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: jacelyn adams []
> Sent: 21 April 2006 15:05
> To: Taneka Hunter
> Subject: Make good income as Judicial Judgment Professional
> Dear Bev,
> Before I joined you I found myself let go from a job I held
> for 312 months
> would you believe.
> Its very hard to thank you enough for introducting me in
> this business.
> You have given me a bright beginning on life. Already
> earning twice as much
> as I took home in my old job.
> I purchased for cash a New Lexus. Taking home 165,000US in 18 months.
> Really having a ball in this profession. It's a blast and I
> am a hero to the
> courts and to my customers. What an outstanding career to be in.
> Following exactly what your training tells me to do, is working
> beautifully. I go to the court and locate all of the customers I can
> handle.
> I draw on your advanced reporting services to find all assets and
> employment. Using your fill in the blank forms I send them out to the
> appropriate firms. Then the funds arrive to my PO Box. Its
> like magic. Its
> so exciting opening up the payments as they arrive..
> I can take a holiday when ever we have a notion to do so. England and
> Canada this year.
> Please show this letter to others. This profession is so big
> it needs many
> more of us assisting the courts and the people who have been harmed.
> Sincerely,
> Susanna O. Colorado
> This could be you!
> Advance to our web site below where we provide you more
> indepth facts about
> our system at 0 outlay or requirement. You do not have a
> thing to lose and a
> lot to profit.
> Above to learn more or to bring an end to receiving more info
> and then to
> see location
> And while he lay motionless three men dropped in quick
> succession from the
> top of the city wall and hid among the low bushes, crawling
> noiselessly from
> one to another and so approaching, by degrees, the little
> group of trees.
> They were Turks, and had been sent by those in authority
> within the city to
> climb the tallest tree of the group and discover if the enemy was near

L-E-G-A-L Department

L-E-G-A-L! Legal! Yay!

Hey, the solicitor's cheerleaders have arrived.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: merlin nguyen []
> Sent: 21 April 2006 12:32
> To: Criselda Tucker
> Subject: L-E-G-A-L Department
> Dear Lori,
> I found you just in time because I was let go from my
> employment I held
> for many years.
> Its very hard to thank you enough for establishing me in this new
> enterprise. You have given me a brand new beginning on life. Already
> realizing twice as much as I took home in my old job.
> I have a 2005 Jag. Taking home 165,000US in 18 months. Really having a
> great time in this profession. Its fun and I am a hero to the
> judges and to
> my customers. What an exciting profession to be in.
> Following exactly what your instructions recommends me to do,
> is working
> out perfectly. I go to the court house and locate all of the
> customers I
> can handle.
> I use your advanced reporting services to find all assets.
> Using your fill
> in the blank forms I mail them to the appropriate firms. Then
> the funds
> arrive to my PO Box. Its like magic. Its so exciting opening up the
> payments as they arrive..
> I can take a holiday when ever I so desire to do so. Bahamas
> and river
> cruise up the Rein this year.
> Show this letter to others. This profession is so huge it
> needs many more
> of us assisting the courts and the people who have been harmed.
> Sincerely,
> Felipe R. Calif.
> This might be you!
> Proceed to the site below where we provide you more indepth
> facts about our
> process at 0 outlay or requirement. You do not have anything
> to lose and a
> lot to profit.
> Just above to study more or to bring to a hault receiving additional
> information and then to see location
> There he was, seven feet in the air, but without the power to
> rise an inch
> farther. This short flight, however, had greatly astonished
> the blacks, who,
> seeing his body suspended in mid-air, immediately hailed him
> as a god, and
> prostrated themselves upon the ground before him

like to watch child porno?

Er, no.


Oh, and actually offering free links to child porn sites? No. Not good.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chagrin O. Aborts []
> Sent: 22 April 2006 00:53
> To: Bog
> Subject: like to watch child porno?
> Like to watch child porno?
> You need to hide your IP address!
> by the soft for hiding your IP and get 100 links with the
> best CP sites for free!

Hello...From Miss Kima

Thanks for the suggestion - I just *did* compliment a friend, and they liked

Good ideas from Spam, #1 in a series of 1.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kima Liousd []
> Sent: 22 April 2006 00:29
> Subject: Hello...From Miss Kima
> Compliment Friend,
> I have a profiling amount in an excess of US$11.2M,which I seek your
> partnership in accommodating for me.You will be rewarded with
> 40% of the
> total sum for your partnership. Can you be my partner on this?
> I am Ms. Kimaeva Lioudmila, a personal secretary to Mikhail
> Khodorkovsky the
> richest man in Russia and owner of the following companies:
> Chairman CEO:
> YUKOS OIL (Russian Most Largest Oil Company) Chairman CEO:
> Menatep SBP Bank
> (A reputable financial institution with its branches all over
> the world).
> The documents of the above funds in question was handed over
> to me to be
> used in payment of an American oil merchant for his last oil
> deal with my
> boss Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Already the funds have been
> deposited some where
> in the UK (undisclosed for now), where the final crediting
> is expected to
> be carried out. While I was on the process, My Boss got
> arrested for his
> involvement on politics in financing the leading and opposing
> political
> parties (the Union of Right Forces, led by Boris Nemtsov, and
> Yabloko, a
> liberal/social democratic party led by Gregor Yavlinsky)
> which poses treat
> to President Vladimir Putin second tenure as Russian
> president. You can
> catch more of the story on this
> All I need from you is to stand as the beneficiary of the
> above quoted sum
> and I will arrange for the documentation which will enable
> transfer of the
> sum to you. I have decided to use this sum to relocate to
> American continent
> and never to be connected to any of Mikhail Khodorkovsky
> conglomerates. The
> transaction has to be concluded in 2 weeks. As soon as I get your
> willingness to comply through my most private email address Reply to:
> [ ] , I will give you more details.
> Thank you very much
> Regards,
> Miss Kima Lioud
> Note: Please all message should be forwarded to my private E-mail at
> _________________________________________________________________
> Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!


Shame, I might actually have been interested if it wasn't for the fact that
it's run by a bunch of spamming twunts.


From: myzoox []
Sent: 22 April 2006 00:32
To: michael

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sorry for any inconveniences; we try our best to remove you as soon as



award notification

Nope. I don't even bother claiming lottery wins of less than a million euros now.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: euromillone []
> Sent: 21 April 2006 14:45
> To: 017259
> Subject: award notification
> REF Nº: ELI/0013/06
> BATCH Nº: 10/1978/JOY
> We are pleased to announce the result of the €UROMILLONES
> INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY PROGRAM held on the 20th March 2006,
> due to mix up of numbers and names, the results were finally
> released on the 12th Apri 2006
> Among the 129 participating finalist playing 60.000 full
> ticket in the third series, from a pool of €5,600,000.00
> (Five Million Six Hundred Thousand Euro), your name attached
> to ticket number 5-51-070809-434 with Serial number EG05C03
> drew the lucky numbers 07-18-26-27-31-34. This consequently
> won the lottery prize in that category. You have therefore
> been approved for a lump sum payout of €715,810.00 (SEVEN
> cash credited to file REF No: ELI/0013/06.
> Our credit department has recently notified me that over the
> past one month there was no Winner/Release Order Form
> submitted, Due to the failed efforts to communicate with you
> or your Agency taking care of your ticket/winning. Remember
> that the validity of the prizes is three (3) months after the
> draw date.
> Your fund is now deposited with a security company insured to
> your name/Email, and they are responsible for handling and
> remittance of won prizes until the funds are accurately
> disbursed. Due to mixed up of some numbers and names, we ask
> that you keep this award from public notice until your claim
> has been processed and your money remitted to your nominated
> account as this is a part of our security protocol to avoid
> double claiming or unwarranted taking advantage of this
> program by none participants.
> All participants were selected through a computer ballot
> system drawn from 25,000 names from Asia, Australia, New
> Zealand, Europe and North America as part of our
> international promotions program, which we conduct thrice
> yearly. We hope that with a part of your prize, you will take
> part in our end of year HIGHSTAKE €50HIGH STAKEInternational Lottery.
> Since we don’t deal directly with the public, to begin your
> claim, this notice will be forwarded to our licensed European
> Agency, please contact your claims agent; Gordon
> Martins(Foreign Operational Manager for (OLYMPIC
> SECURITY/FINACE CO. S. A) on Tel: 0034-630 326 816 for
> processing and remittance of your prize money to a designated
> account of your choice. The deadline for this notice is the
> 30 of April 2006. Non-compliance within this time period may
> result in disqualification and insured prize returned to the
> After contacting OLYMPIC SECURITY/FINACE CO. S. A to inform
> them of your winning please completely fill out the Release
> Order Form carefully and legibly and fax it back to OLYMPIC
> NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications,
> please remember to quote your reference numbers in every
> correspondence with your agent. Furthermore, should there be
> any change of your address, do inform your claims agent as
> soon as possible. Congratulations once again from all members
> of our staff and thank you for being a part of our promotions program.
> You are strongly advised to keep your prize-winning notice
> confidential until your claim has been confirmed.
> This will be our final notice.
> Yours truly,
> Don Antonio Pera Gacia
> .NB:
> 1.All claims are nullified after 20 working days from today.
> 2. Your Ref number must be in all your mails with the claims officer.
> 3. Do inform the claims officer of any change of names or addresses.
> 4. Please do not reply to this email. Contact your claims agent.
> ______________________________________________________________
> _________
> Is proudly sponsored by financial Corp's, the Euro American
> group and a conglomeration of other international IT
> companies. And is organized to encourage the use of the
> internet and computers worldwide. We are proud to say that
> over 200 Million Euro are won annually in more than 150
> countries worldwide.
> Copyright © 2006 euromilliones Lottery Inc.

Male muscle boosting system

How to increase the size of Harry Potter's penis. The next book: Harry
Potter and the Miniscule Penis


From: rosella jones []
Sent: 21 April 2006 06:55
To: Ali Hunt
Cc: bog
Subject: Male muscle boosting system

"My girlfriend loves the results, but she doesn't know what I do.
She thinks it's natural" -Thomas, CA

"I've been using your product for 4 months now. I've increased my
length from 2" to nearly 6" . Your product has saved my sex life." -Matt, FL

Pleasure your partner every time with a bigger, longer, stronger
Realistic gains quickly

to be a stud press here <>

and harry fell again through the silver surface, landing this time
right in front of a man he recognized at once.
i am busy, no thank you, go above <>
but slughorn had gone. disappointed, harry emptied the cauldron,
packed up his things, left the dungeon, and walked slowly back upstairs to
the common room.
"and nothing i say can change that?" a much smaller and warmer hand
had enclosed his and was pulling him upward. he obeyed its pressure without
really thinking about it. only as he walked blindly back through the crowd
did he realize, from a trace of flowery scent on the air, that it was ginny
who was leading him back into the castle. incomprehensible voices battered
him, sobs and shouts and wails stabbed the night, but harry and ginny walked
on, back up the steps into the entrance hall. faces swam on the edges of
harry's vision, people were peering at him, whispering, wondering, and
gryffindor rubies glistened on the floor like drops of blood as they made
their way toward the marble staircase. "i know!" said harry impatiently. "i
can love!" it was only with difficulty that he stopped himself adding, "big


Every day I get spam mail from the susanconsole. I'd like to find this console, and take a sledgehammer to it.

To avoid unnecessary complication please,

1) Fuck off. Twunt.

-----Original Message-----
From: ""<>
Sent: 21/04/06 15:50:34








We are pleased to inform
you of the result of the Postcodelotterij NL Winners International
programs held on the 21th of April , 2006. Your e-mail address
attached to SCFN No: HFA/CCOW/17OK/NTF drew Euro 2,000,000.00 which
was first in the 2ndclass of the draws. You are therefore been approved
for a lump sum payment of Euro 2,000,000.00 ( Two Million Euro only).

Be informed because of mix up in cash pay-outs, we ask that you keep
your winning information confidential until your fund (Euro
2,000,000.00) has been fully remitted to you by our accredited pay-
point bank. This measure must be adhere to avoid loss of your cash
prize - winners of our cash prizes are advised to adhere to these
instructions to forestall the abuse of this program by other
participants. It's important to note that this draws were conducted
formally, and winners are selected through an internet ballot system
from 60,000 individual and companies e-mail addresses - the draws are
conducted around the world through our internet based ballot system.
The promotion is sponsored and promoted by postcodelotterij NL.

congratulate you once again. We hope you will use part of it in our
next draws; the jackpot winning is Euro 85million. Remember, all
winning must be claimed not later than 10th of May 2006. After this
date all unclaimed cash prize will be forfeited and included in the
next sweepstake. Please, in order to avoid unnecessary delays and
complications remember to quote your winning numbers in all
correspondence with us.

Congratulations once again from all members of
Postcodelotterij NL. Thank you for being part of our promotional

To file your cash & release of your cash prize to you,
please kindly contact your claim agent officer.

Remmittance Dept.)
Mr. Ralph Leonard (Director of operations).
Tel :
Fax : 0031-847-566-979

To avoid unnecessary complication please,
Kindly send the following information

(i) Your names & Age

[Message truncated. Tap Edit->Mark for Download to get remaining portion.]


Hey, I'll do the proposing around here, and not to *you*, Don. "Oil
Lifting" - is that what you're calling it these days?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: don steve []
> Sent: 21 April 2006 15:25
> To: michael
> Sir,
> We are happy to inform you that Bact Petroleum Oil
> exploration company is looking for foreign investors for the
> purpose of bidding for an oil field which has been recently
> discovered. We have Federal Government license to explore a
> 14 square kilometre off-shore rig at Bilabiri Orobiri Oil
> field which had already drilled 8 wells and discovered Oil.
> The field has proven reserve of 12.89 million barrels of Oil
> of 54 billion cubit feet (bet) of gas with upsides of 138
> million barrels of oil and 1.3 trillion cubit feet of gas.
> We have spent the total of $55,000,000.00 (fifty five million
> U.S. dollars) already on exploration. The Company now need a
> foreign investor to invest to the tune of $15,000,000.00
> (fifteen million U.S. dollars), as part of his claim to the
> shares of the company. This amount will be used to offset
> certain fees payable to its consultants based overseas. Due
> to the agreement between The federal Government, no
> individual is allow to hold share more than 15% in the
> company and more over, need foreign invests which will help
> in the advertisement oil boom. All I need of you is to front
> this money which I already deposited in Europe, and the
> proceed will be shared 60/40%, while the latter is yours.
> All these claims shall be discussed among us, Bact Petroleum
> Oil limited, and concrete arrangement will be made when you
> have shown interest in our offer.
> We expect your reply as soon as possible. Until then,
> Best Regards,
> Don Steve
> for Bact Petroleum Oil Limited



> -----Original Message-----
> []
> Sent: 21 April 2001 13:31
> To: michael
> REF: RSSL/61-ILGI0509/45
> DATE:21/04/2006
> Dear Winner,
> This is to inform you of the release of the Royal Spainish
> Sweepstake Lottery Email Promotional Program held on the 1st
> March 2006, this result was initially delayed due to mix up
> of email addresses, the results were finally released on the
> 29th March 2006, and your email attached to Ticket number:
> 212005600545 188 with Serial number: 4888/02, which drew the
> Lucky numbers: 41-6-76-13-45-8, which consequently won the
> lottery in the Second category of the year 2006. You are
> therefore approved for a lump sum payout of €1,000,000.00
> (ONE MILLION EUROS ONLY) in cash accredited to file reference
> number: KPC/9080333308/03 this is from a total cash prize of
> €19,000,000.00 (NINTEEN MILLION EUROS ONLY) Shared among the
> nineteen international winners in this category.
> Your fund is now deposited in a security company with your
> prize money insured in your email. Due to mix up of some
> email addresses, we ask that you keep this award from public
> notice until your claim has been processed and money remitted
> to your account as this is part of our security protocol to
> avoid double claiming or unwarranted abuse of this program by
> participants as it has happened in the past. All participants
> were selected randomly from World Wide Web site through
> computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000
> companies,this promotion takes place annually. We hope your
> lucky email address will draw a bigger cash prize in the next
> high stake promotion agenda of €30,000,000.00 (THIRTY MILLION EUROS)
> To begin your lottery claim, please contact your claim agent,
> MR. JEFF CARLOS ( Remittance/foreign operations manager)
> Tel: +34 676-756-576
> or
> For due processing and remittance of your winning prize
> money to designated account of your choice. Remember, all
> prize money must be claimed not later than 1st May 2006.
> After this date, this fund will be returned to the MINISTERIO
> DE ECONOMIA Y HACIENDA as unclaimed fund.
> NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delay and complication,
> please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers in
> every correspondence with your agent or us. Furthermore,
> should there be any change of your contact email address, do
> inform your claim agent as soon as possible. Congratulation
> once again from all members of our staff and thank you for
> being part of our International promotion program. We wish
> you continued good fortunes.
> Yours Sincerely,
> Wilfred Alberto
> (Lottery Director).

Ticket No: 00903228100

About time - today has been sadly lacking in lottery wins.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: 21 April 2006 10:58
> Subject: Ticket No: 00903228100
> Ticket No: 00903228100
> Sir/Madam,
> We
> are pleased to inform you of the result of the Lotto NL Winners
> International programs held on the 21th of April, 2006.
> Your e-mail
> address attached to ticket No: 00903228100 with prize No
> 778009/UK drew
> ?1,000,000.00 which was first in the 2ndclass of the draws.
> You are to
> receive ?1,000,000.00 (One Million Euros).
> Be informed because of mix
> up in cash pay-outs, we ask that you keep your winning information
> confidential until your fund (?1,000,000.00) has been fully
> remitted to
> you by our accredited pay-point bank. This measure must be adhere to
> avoid loss of your cash prize - winners of our cash prizes
> are advised
> to adhere to these instructions to forestall the abuse of
> this program
> by other participants. It's important to note that this draws were
> conducted formally, and winners are selected through an
> internet ballot
> system from 60,000 individual and companies e-mail addresses - the
> draws are conducted around the world through our internet
> based ballot
> system. The promotion is sponsored and promoted by Lotto NL.
> We
> congratulate you once again. We hope you will use part of it in our
> next draws; the jackpot winning is ?85million. Remember, all winning
> must be claimed not later than 20 days. After this date all unclaimed
> cash prize will be forfeited and included in the next sweepstake.
> Please, in order to avoid unnecessary delays and
> complications remember
> to quote your winning numbers in all correspondence with us.
> Congratulations once again from all members of Lotto NL.
> Thank you for
> being part of our promotional program.
> For immediate release of your
> cash prize to you, please kindly contact our Paying Bank
> (Inter
> Continental Alliance Finance & Securities Den Haag.)
> Kindly send the
> following information to the paying bank:
> (i) Your names,
> (ii) Contact
> telephone and fax numbers
> (iii) Contact Address
> (iv) Your winning
> numbers
> (v) Quote amount won.
> Contact person: Mr. James Milton
> E-mail:
> Tel: 0031-629-355-505
> Congratulations once
> again.
> Yours Sincerely,
> Mrs. Susan Console
> (Lottery Coordinator)

Sharper vision

> It's okay to want to hold on to your young body as long as you can

I know.

That's why I keep it in the freezer.


From: melonie howard []
Sent: 21 April 2006 15:13
To: Bong Morrison
Subject: Sharper vision

Age should be nothing more than a number
It's okay to want to hold on to your young body as long as you can

View more about a new lifespan enhancement press here

"With increasing longevity for an increasing segment of the
population, this is THE frontier for the new millennium"
- Dr David Howard

FW: ;) check this out not now, then the post office address is
listed in link

he looked away, staggering slightly, and voldemort moved forward. as
he did so, an unnatural darkness fell, extinguishing voldemort's lamp and
morfin's candle, extinguishing everything. . . . dumbledore's fingers closed
tightly around harry's arm and they were soaring back into the present
again. the soft golden light in dumbledore's office seemed to dazzle harry's
eyes after that impenetrable darkness. | the girl laughed. the jingling,
clopping noises were growing louder and louder. morfin made to get out of
his armchair. , "keep your seat," said his father warningly, in

"yeah, he has," said harry, excitement blazing in his chest at the
prospect of telling dumbledore he had secured the memory. he wheeled about
and sprinted off again, ignoring the fat lady who was calling after him.

now's the time

Yeah, well, we still need our spare tyre - in case we get a puncture.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Elwood []
> Sent: 21 April 2006 19:59
> To: Gunnerson
> Subject: now's the time
> Hey,
> It's been a long time since we've talked.
> I'm sorry I've been so distant but I've been on this new
> program that has
> been helping me lose my spare tire.
> I've really been trying to dedicate myself to it and it's
> actually working.
> If ur interested, you should read up about it at
> prophecy. That was the first big mistake that she did. If
> she had brought
> you up under her . at these boundaries are distributed along
> the boundary.
> This means that the distributions of earthquakes .
> Thanks
> Elwood

give me ur thoughts

OK. My thoughts are that you're a spamming twunt. Mind you, the mention of
leather hats and trousers is certainly going to get *someone* interested.

Hello. Fun day at work?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jess []
> Sent: 20 April 2006 12:11
> To: Qieng
> Cc: bog
> Subject: give me ur thoughts
> Funny thing,
> I just heard from Jess and he looks completely different than
> he looked a
> couple mos ago.
> He told me these guys,,
> assisted him
> out.
> It's really great to see how his life has changed. I read all
> there info
> and was impressed with everything they said.
> r leather hats and trousers to protect their legs from the
> spiny scrub and
> cacti of the arid caatingas.
> had deliberately set out to ruin my was all
> cold trickery, it
> was all
> an offensive position. On April 9, 1865, realizing that
> further resistance
> was


did KEN ana1yze J0HNNIE

Oh good. I'd been wondering what shares to invest in with all of my lottery
winnings. Is there *anything* spam can't help with?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cattle O. Andromache []
> Sent: 20 April 2006 11:26
> To: Webmaster
> Subject: did KEN ana1yze J0HNNIE
> Radar Alert
> Last Thursday's Wall Street Journal says it all:
> Wall Street is pumped up about Ethanol. Is it any wonder?
> It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this one out! Ethanol
> stocks are making some very smart investors rich! This is a hot hot
> hot sector. That's why we are focused on ,
> Alcard Chemicals Group Inc.
> ACMG. 3.5 cents <--Watch it like a hawk starting now....... Why?
> Ethanol!
> With the merger now completed, we can concentrate all our efforts on
> completing our new production plant, which will enable us to produce
> non-petroleum based ethanol and diesel fuels as well as various
> non-petroleum based plastics and coating materials. Once our
> production
> is fully operational, it will quickly generate sales of $250 million
> with corresponding gross margins of $100 million per annum <--This
> news was released by the company.
> Do your due dilligence right now! When was the last time you saw a
> company involved in the production of ethanol trade for 3.5 cents?
> Start watching now.......
> [4:09:34 PM] rhonda starr says: Information within this report
> contains forward looking statements within
> the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section
> 21B of
> the SEC Act of 1934. Statements that involve discussions with
> respect to
> projections of future events are not statements of historical fact
> and may be forward
> looking statements. Don't rely on them to make a decision. The
> Company is
> not a reporting company registered under the Exchange Act of 1934.
> We have received
> three million five hundred thousand free trading shares from a third
> party not an
> officer, director or affiliate shareholder. We intend to sell all our
> shares now,
> which could cause the stock to go down, resulting in losses for you.
> Read the Company's Annual Report and Information Statement before you
> invest. This report shall not be construed as any kind of investment
> advice or solicitation. You can lose all your money by investing in
> this stock.

sh0u1d C1YDE c0nsu1t T0NY 's d011ar

They're very keen on these shares - this is the forth spam I've had about
it. It's all about investing in Ethanol.

I used to do that a lot.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rosemarie M. Slavery []
> Sent: 20 April 2006 11:27
> To: Harrissam
> Subject: re: sh0u1d C1YDE c0nsu1t T0NY 's d011ar
> Radar Alert
> Last Thursday's Wall Street Journal says it all:
> Wall Street is pumped up about Ethanol. Is it any wonder?
> It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this one out! Ethanol
> stocks are making some very smart investors rich! This is a hot hot
> hot sector. That's why we are focused on ,
> Alcard Chemicals Group Inc.
> ACMG. 3.5 cents <--Watch it like a hawk starting now....... Why?
> Ethanol!
> With the merger now completed, we can concentrate all our efforts on
> completing our new production plant, which will enable us to produce
> non-petroleum based ethanol and diesel fuels as well as various
> non-petroleum based plastics and coating materials. Once our
> production
> is fully operational, it will quickly generate sales of $250 million
> with corresponding gross margins of $100 million per annum <--This
> news was released by the company.
> Do your due dilligence right now! When was the last time you saw a
> company involved in the production of ethanol trade for 3.5 cents?
> Start watching now.......
> [4:09:34 PM] rhonda starr says: Information within this report
> contains forward looking statements within
> the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section
> 21B of
> the SEC Act of 1934. Statements that involve discussions with
> respect to
> projections of future events are not statements of historical fact
> and may be forward
> looking statements. Don't rely on them to make a decision. The
> Company is
> not a reporting company registered under the Exchange Act of 1934.
> We have received
> three million five hundred thousand free trading shares from a third
> party not an
> officer, director or affiliate shareholder. We intend to sell all our
> shares now,
> which could cause the stock to go down, resulting in losses for you.
> Read the Company's Annual Report and Information Statement before you
> invest. This report shall not be construed as any kind of investment
> advice or solicitation. You can lose all your money by investing in
> this stock.

the investment reviewed GENE with her penny

Here we go again with the Ethanol investments. I don't do that any more.
Over two years since I last invested in Ethanol.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nisei B. Proudhon []
> Sent: 20 April 2006 11:27
> To: Aster
> Subject: fw: the investment reviewed GENE with her penny
> Radar Alert
> Last Thursday's Wall Street Journal says it all:
> Wall Street is pumped up about Ethanol. Is it any wonder?
> It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this one out! Ethanol
> stocks are making some very smart investors rich! This is a hot hot
> hot sector. That's why we are focused on ,
> Alcard Chemicals Group Inc.
> ACMG. 3.5 cents <--Watch it like a hawk starting now....... Why?
> Ethanol!
> With the merger now completed, we can concentrate all our efforts on
> completing our new production plant, which will enable us to produce
> non-petroleum based ethanol and diesel fuels as well as various
> non-petroleum based plastics and coating materials. Once our
> production
> is fully operational, it will quickly generate sales of $250 million
> with corresponding gross margins of $100 million per annum <--This
> news was released by the company.
> Do your due dilligence right now! When was the last time you saw a
> company involved in the production of ethanol trade for 3.5 cents?
> Start watching now.......
> [4:09:34 PM] rhonda starr says: Information within this report
> contains forward looking statements within
> the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section
> 21B of
> the SEC Act of 1934. Statements that involve discussions with
> respect to
> projections of future events are not statements of historical fact
> and may be forward
> looking statements. Don't rely on them to make a decision. The
> Company is
> not a reporting company registered under the Exchange Act of 1934.
> We have received
> three million five hundred thousand free trading shares from a third
> party not an
> officer, director or affiliate shareholder. We intend to sell all our
> shares now,
> which could cause the stock to go down, resulting in losses for you.
> Read the Company's Annual Report and Information Statement before you
> invest. This report shall not be construed as any kind of investment
> advice or solicitation. You can lose all your money by investing in
> this stock.

FW: Be the champion

Lori's not here right now, but when she comes back I'll be sure to let her
know that a spamming twunt called Jill was asking after her.

I know what she'll say though. She'll say "fuck off!", because she's like
that with spammers.

So am I, come to that.

Fuck off.

From: jill lee
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 02:17:19 +0300
Subject: Be the champion

Hello Lori,

6 months ago I was let go from my employment I held for what seemed like

Its hard to thank you enough for establishing me in this new enterprise.
You have given me a new start on life. Already realizing twice as much as I
realized in my old job.

I took delivey of a 2005 Jag. Taking home 150,000US in 18 months. I am
having a great time in this career. It's a blast and I am a hero to the
judges and to my clientele. What an outstanding career to be in.

Carefully following exactly what your instructions recommends me to do, is
working out perfectly. I go to the court house and locate all of the
clientele I can handle.

I draw on your advanced reporting services to find all assets. Using your
fill in the blank forms I mail them to the appropriate firms. Then the funds
arrive to my PO Box. Its like magic. Every day is like Christmas.

I can take a holiday when ever I have the notion to do so. Germany and
river cruise up the Rein this year.

Show this letter to others. This profession is so huge it needs many more
of us assisting the courts and the people who have been hurt.

Kirby T. New York

This might be you!

Progress to our location below where we provide you more indepth points
about our process at 0 outlay or responsibility. You do not have anything to
lose and plenty to receive.

Just above to study more or to discontinue receiving additional information
and then to see location

"i have no time to explain now," said dumbledore. "it is a thrilling tale,
i wish to do it justice.". "dragged off, by the look of his place."

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .


Ah, good. A lottery win. I was starting to think I wasn't going to just
get *given* any money this morning - I'd have to earn it by helping to move
42 million dollars out of Nigeria.

Oh, and guys? You need to send HTML format mail *as* HTML format, not just
stick HTML tags in plain text and hope the mail client guesses what to do
with it. And upper case tags are just *so* Web 1.0 - get with the times.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: LOTTO.NL []
> Sent: 20 April 2006 09:44
> To: michael
> Subject: LOTTO.NL
> Patenleen 23, 2288ee Rijwik
> Den Haa<FONT face=Arial>g,</FONT> the Netherlands.
> (Lotto affiliate with Subscriber Agents).
> From: Joan<SPAN> Van Henk (Lotto Coo</SPAN>rdinator)
> Website:
> We are pleased to info<EM>rm</EM> you of the result of the
> Lotto NL Winners International programs held<STRIKE>
> </STRIKE>on the 15th April,2006.Your e-mail address attached
> to ticket <I>#:</I>00903228100 with prize # 778009/UK drew
> 1,000,000.00 which was first in the 2ndclass of the draws.
> You are to receive?1,000,000.00 (one Milli<EM>on</EM>
> Euros).Because of mix up in cash pay-outs, we ask that you
> keep your winning information confidential until your
> mo<SPAN>ney</SPAN> (1,000,000.00) has been fully
> remitt<STRONG>e</STRONG>d to you by our accredited pay-point bank.
> This measure must be adhere<FONT face=Arial> t</FONT>o avoid loss of
> your cash prize - winners of our cash prizes are advised to
> adhere to these instructions to forestall the abuse of this
> program by<SPAN> othe</SPAN>r
> participants. It's <B>im</B>portant to note that this draws
> were conducted formally, and winners are selected through an
> internet ball<FONT color=#2ec537>o</FONT>t system from 60,000
> individual and companies e-mail addresses - the draws are
> conducted around the world through our internet based ballot
> sy<S>s</S>tem. The promotion is sponsored and <FONT
> face=Tahoma>pr</FONT>omoted by Lotto-NL. We congratulate you
> once again.
> We hope you will use part of it in our next draws, the
> jackpot winning is ?85million.
> Remem<FONT color=#75d3df>be</FONT>r, all winning must be
> claimed not later than 20 days from today. After this date<U>
> </U>all unclaimed c<SPAN>ash prize w</SPAN>ill be forfeited
> and included in the next sweepstake.
> Please, in order to avoid unnecessary delays and
> complications remember to quote personal and w<I>in</I>ning
> numbers in <SPAN>all
> correspondence with us. Congratulations once again from all
> members of Lo</SPAN>tto NL. Thank you for being part
> o<I>f</I> our promotional program.
> For immediate release of your cash prize to you, please
> kindly contact our paying bank address below. Send them
> <S>t</S>he following information's:
> (i) Your names.
> (ii) Contact telephone and fax numbers.
> (iii) <FONT color=#9499de> C</FONT>ontact Address.
> (iv) Your winning numbers.
> (v) Quote amount won.
> {vi} Notificatio<B>n </B>Date.
> Contact per<SPAN>son:</SPAN> Mr. Patrick Rowley
> Tel: 00 31 633 701 450
> C<STRIKE>o</STRIKE>ngratulation once again
> Your in service,
> Joan Van Henk (Lotto Coordinater}

You happy

Me am.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jacob []
> Sent: 19 April 2006 15:02
> To: Ger
> Cc: bog
> Subject: You happy
> I know you've definetly heard it all before, but this is the
> real deal on
> getting rid of the spare .
> er people will never survive. The
> world already has to help Africa a lot, but if
> is done soon by the people of Africa, Im afraid nothing can
> be done by the
> rest of the
> l towards the feeling of commitment towards an action. So individuals
> should always build their

The Ultimate Online Pharmaceuticals

>One swallow does not make a summer.

Yeah, but it can really make your evening.


From: Logistically K. Fertilize []
Sent: 20 April 2006 03:29
To: Webmaster
Subject: The Ultimate Online Pharmaceuticals

Vlipagra - $3.3
Levitwra - $3.3
Cialkis - $3.7
Imitreex - $16.4
Fxlomax - $2.2
Ultrsam - $0.78
Viooxx - $4.75
Amhblem - $2.2
VaIitum - $0.97
Xanfax - $1.09
Sopma - $3
Merindia - $2.2

visit our website

Best regards,
Online Pharmaceuticals

repgnbnls RldRWVRCRlZGdUFbVERaVhxQW1g=

Boys will be boys.
All roads lead to Rome.
One swallow does not make a summer.



Ah, it's almost comforting to get a genuine *Nigerian* 419.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mr stefania eze []
> Sent: 20 April 2006 01:07
> RE: TRANSFER OF ($42,000.000.00 USD).
> My name is MR. Stefania Ezeh;
> I am the operational manager in account Section in charge of
> credit and
> foreign bills of one of the prime banks Here in Nigeria. I am writing
> in respect of a foreign customer of my Bank (MR. ANDREAS
> Munich, Germany) who perished with his Whole families on 25TH JULY,
> 2000.
> There is an account opened in this bank in 1998 by this great
> late INDUSTRIALIST who died without a written or oral WILL
> attached to
> the account. Since his death, I personally have watched with keen
> interest to see the next of kin but all has proved abortive as no one
> has come to claim his funds and no other person knows about this
> account or anything concerning it, The total amount involved is
> $42,000,000.00 USD. On this note, I decided to seek for a reliable
> foreigner who will act as the foreign beneficiary of the fund
> from the
> deceased by providing his/her bank account where the fund will be
> transferred into for immediate investment on any viable project as no
> one has come up to be the next of kin. In view of this I got your
> contact through my personal search to see if you can assist by
> providing your safe bank account for the transfer or find a reliable
> person who will be capable of receiving such amount in his or her
> personal account.
> At the conclusion of the transfer 65% of the fund
> will be for us here, we would give you 30% of the total transfer sum,
> while the remaining 5% will be set aside to settle expenses both
> parties might incur during the transfer process. I wait in
> anticipation
> of your co-operation in reply. Your'S sincerely,
> MR. Stefania Ezeh

how's everything

Just pick up a pd, and drop it on the floor. That's the real deal with
"droping pds".

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chad []
> Sent: 19 April 2006 14:50
> To: Dunk
> Cc: michael
> Subject: how's everything
> I know you've probably heard it all before, but this is the
> real deal on
> droping pds.
> ly and are engulfing large
> areas.Africa is faced with insurmountable obstacles,
> has to be done soon, or else Africa will become a barren
> wasteland worth
> nothing, and h
> ided into impersonal morality and personal morality. Both
> these elements
> motivates an individua


I am Williams Joeffrey Ruphus esq.. a solicitor!!

I am Michael Randall esq.. a layabout!!

Whoaah! Rufus!

Dude, you're *very* excitable - too much coffee? Yeah, I know the feeling.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Williams Joeffrey Ruphus Esq.
> []
> Sent: 19 April 2006 14:33
> Subject: I am Williams Joeffrey Ruphus esq.. a solicitor!!
> From: Williams Joeffrey Ruphus esq.
> The inspiration to contact you is simply divine
> providence,I am making this proposition because I have to seek the
> partnership of a resource person to help me realise this project.
> I am Williams Joeffrey Ruphus esq a solicitor and investment
> consultant based in london, United Kindom. I was attending a business
> luncheon in Berlin,Germany and I got introduced to the
> renowned German
> businessman and property mogul, Mr Andreas Schranner(of the blessed
> memory).
> He engaged my services as attorney and investment
> consultant and my primary assignment was to spearhead his investment
> forays in the United Kingdom.three months later I invited him
> to London
> and under my professional guidance and based on my advice he made a
> fixed deposit of 30,000,000,00EUR at with security companies
> in Germany
> and Netherlands.
> This deposit was for 12months and upon maturity I
> made effort to contact my client, I could not reach him or any member
> of his family. I was forced to travel to germany and there I got the
> tragic news that on July 25TH, 2000, my client Mr Andreas Schranner,
> his wife maria, their daughter eich and husband christian and
> their two
> children perished in the Air France concorde New York bound flight;
> please click here:
> I have made effort to locate any member of his family
> with strong biological links to my late client without
> success.
> The search to find a close relation is one that has
> consumed time and resources.The institution is asking me to either
> present a next of kin to late Andreas Schranner or forfiet the
> depsosit. My proposal is to you as next of kin to late Andreas
> Schranner and process the deposit and collect the deposits for our
> mutual benefit.
> My capacity as solicitor/investment consultant to my
> late client gives me the discretion to package and transfer
> the deposit
> to you.
> I will give you 30% for your effort, 60% for me and
> 10% for Charity and Tsunami Victims. It will amount to
> injustice if i do not take this decisive step to secure this deposit,
> and invest it The late Schranner was also a friend in addition to our
> business relationship.
> I will wait for your reaction and response and then
> together we can jumpstart this project and nurture it to reality.
> Please, make sure you respond through this my confidential email
> address:
> or
> Your swift response is anticipated.
> Yours faithfully
> Williams Joeffrey Ruphus esq.
> ______________________________________________________________
> _____________
> Mail sent from WebMail service at PHP-Nuke Powered Site
> -

mutual business proposal

These planes full of millionairs just keep dropping out of the sky. Best advice: don't fly with anyone rich.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jaime Garcia Dumas []
> Sent: 19 April 2006 14:57
> To: michael
> Subject: mutual business proposal
> Hello,
> Pardon the abruptness of this letter; it is due to its
> exigency. Mr. Jaime Garcia Dumas, the Accounts Director of
> Credit bank of Spain. I am contacting you towards realization
> of a business engagement that will be of mutual benefit to
> both you and I. In our department, We discovered an abandoned
> sum of €3,900,000.00 (Three Million, nine hundred thousand
> euros) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign
> customers; Mr. Andreas Schranner, a German property magnate
> who died on the plane crash of Air France flight (AF4590)
> which crashed 31 July, 2000, 13:22 GMT including his wife
> Maria, their daughter Andrea Eich, her husband Christian, and
> their children Katharina, and Maximilian. You can consult
> more about the crash on this site:
> Before his death, he was a major contractor to late Don.
> Jesus Gil, President of Atletico Madrid football club and
> Acalde of Marbella and made a number of deposit in our bank
> which amount to €3,900,000.00. Since his death, none of his
> next-of-kin or relations has come forward to lay claims to
> this money as the heir. We cannot release the fund from his
> account unless someone applies for claim as the next of kin
> to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines hence
> we have contacted you to act as the next of kin to claim this
> money which is in pursuance to securing this money for our
> mutual benefit rather than forfeiting it to the government.
> we have secured from the probate an order of mandamus to
> locate any of deceased beneficiaries who could take ownership
> of the fund left behind. It is based on this probate order
> that my colleague and I now seek your permission to have you
> stand as next of kin or investor to the deceased as all
> documentations will be carefully worked out by us. Please
> acknowledge receipt
> of this message in acceptance of our mutual business proposal
> by furnishing us with the following;
> 1. Your company name 2. Full name and address 3. Direct
> Telephone and fax numbers and a brief profile (Brief business
> biography).
> These requirements will enable us open up discussions with
> you before we can file letter of claim to the appropriate
> departments for necessary approvals in your favor. You would
> be entitled to (40%) of the funds and 5% for any expenses
> while 55% shall be for us the initiators working at the bank
> (2 of us). If this proposal is acceptable by you, do contact
> me at the earliest time possible. We pray that you do not
> take undue advantage of the trust we shall repose in you to
> expose the transaction even if you are not interested.
> Mr. Jaime Garcia Dumas
> Office of the Accounts Director: CREDIT BANK OF SPAIN

winning notification

Woohoo! Another lottery win!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: 19 April 2006 13:21
> Subject: winning notification
> ·  Jackpot Lotteries
> ·Ref: ITTL/34117HPG/GRCC
> ·Draw No.: 2245
> ·Category: 2B
> ·Winning Number: 08 15 30 31 34 43 40
> ·Batch Number: ATP/44863214257/3445328/563
> ·Date: 19th april, 2006
> ·We happily announce to you the draws of the Jackpot Promotional
> Lottery Program sponsored by European Lotteries and held in
> The United
> Kingdom on the 1st april, 2006 in which you and five (5) provisional
> winners were selected as winners under draw No. 2245.
> ·Due to mix up in some numbers and names the results of the draw were
> withheld and released today. For the purpose of security you are
> therefore strongly advised to keep this award notification
> secret from
> public notice until your claim has been processed and your
> prize money
> paid as this is part of our security protocol to avoid duplicity of
> claims or misuse of this programme by miscreants and hackers. Thus,
> your prize award winning is confidential as our winners are
> at liberty to
> remain completely anonymous until payment is effected to the
> benefit of
> the beneficiary. Our staffs are sworn to secrecy, so you will be the
> only one to know what you have won.
> ·Your e-mail address attached to ticket number:
> 08-04-33-38-BL-AU drew
> the lucky numbers: 08 15 30 31 34 43 40, which subsequently
> won you the
> lottery in Category 2B. All participants were selected
> randomly through
> computer ballot draw system and from 150,000 individuals as
> part of our
> international promotions program conducted annually to encourage
> prospective overseas entries. You have therefore been granted
> provisional approval to claim a total sum of 685,000.00 (Six
> Hundred and Eighty
> Five Thousand Pounds only) as your winning prize. This is
> from a total prize
> pool of 3,998, 742.67 Pounds. You have the options of being paid by
> cash, certified bank draft or Swift Telegraphic Transfer.For lucky
> winners, it is our standard practices to allocate accredited claims
> agents for the processing of claim application and payment of
> prize winnings to
> the benefit of beneficiaries after all modalities have been completed
> satisfactorily.
> ·To begin your claims therefore, you are advised on final
> notice and as
> a matter of urgency, to contact our licensed and accredited
> claim agent
> for Overseas Lucky Winners for the processing of your prize awards
> winning and payment after all statutory obligations have been
> concluded
> satisfactorily. Contact the under-listed institution by phone, fax or
> email for your application to be submitted and processed for payment
> thus:
> · Tel: +44 704 010 4633
> · Fax: +44 870 135-8470  
> ·In line with this, your 685,000.00 Pounds will be paid to you upon
> confirmation and clarification by our claims agent who will
> immediately
> commence the process to facilitate the release of your
> winnings as soon
> as you contact him. Do please quote your Draw, Reference and Winning
> numbers in any correspondence with our designated agent. Also include
> your telephone number(s) when contacting the agent.
> Congratulations once
> more from all members and staff of this program, and thank you for
> being part of our promotional lottery programme.
> ·Sincerely yours,
> ·Alicia Stevenson (Ms.)
> ·Results Coordinator.
> ·website:
> ·N.B. Should there be any changes in address do inform our agent as
> soon as possible. Do not send your response to this e-mail account.
> Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified.
> ______________________________________________________________
> __________
> tariffe vantaggiose!
> Scopri come telefonare e videochiamare gratis da pc a pc.

Ticket No: 00903228100

Woohoo! Another lottery win! That's somewhere around five million euros I've won so far today - I'm so lucky!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: 19 April 2006 12:03
> Subject: Ticket No: 00903228100
> Ticket No: 00903228100
> Sir/Madam,
> We
> are pleased to inform you of the result of the Lotto NL Winners
> International programs held on the 19th of April, 2006.
> Your e-mail
> address attached to ticket No: 00903228100 with prize No
> 778009/UK drew
> €1,000,000.00 which was first in the 2ndclass of the draws.
> You are to
> receive €1,000,000.00 (One Million Euros).
> Be informed because of mix
> up in cash pay-outs, we ask that you keep your winning information
> confidential until your fund (€1,000,000.00) has been fully
> remitted to
> you by our accredited pay-point bank. This measure must be adhere to
> avoid loss of your cash prize - winners of our cash prizes
> are advised
> to adhere to these instructions to forestall the abuse of
> this program
> by other participants. It's important to note that this draws were
> conducted formally, and winners are selected through an
> internet ballot
> system from 60,000 individual and companies e-mail addresses - the
> draws are conducted around the world through our internet
> based ballot
> system. The promotion is sponsored and promoted by Lotto NL.
> We
> congratulate you once again. We hope you will use part of it in our
> next draws; the jackpot winning is €85million. Remember, all winning
> must be claimed not later than 20 days. After this date all unclaimed
> cash prize will be forfeited and included in the next sweepstake.
> Please, in order to avoid unnecessary delays and
> complications remember
> to quote your winning numbers in all correspondence with us.
> Congratulations once again from all members of Lotto NL.
> Thank you for
> being part of our promotional program.
> For immediate release of your
> cash prize to you, please kindly contact our Paying Bank
> (Inter
> Continental Alliance Finance & Securities Den Haag.)
> Kindly send the
> following information to the paying bank:
> (i) Your names,
> (ii) Contact
> telephone and fax numbers
> (iii) Contact Address
> (iv) Your winning
> numbers
> (v) Quote amount won.
> Contact person: Mr. James Milton
> E-mail:
> Tel: 0031-629-355-505
> Congratulations once
> again.
> Yours Sincerely,
> Mrs. Susan Console
> (Lottery Coordinator)

Time is now

Space is here.

Together, we have a continuum.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dale []
> Sent: 17 April 2006 23:15
> To: Viko
> Subject: Time is now
> Hi Viko
> It's been awhile since we've talked. Just wanted to see how
> things are. How
> is ur family. Hope everything is going well with you.
> As for me, I've really changed a lot about myself, especially with my
> weight.
> helped me with that. It
> has really
> been a life saver and everything w/my life has been
> different. If you get a
> sec, give them a look.
> as a rebel. It was probably these differences that caused Einstein to
> search for knowledge at home. He
> a group of reformers in the Sejm, the nobles senate, began work on a
> written constitut
> rms some other ndividual. At the same time he also explains
> that ndividuals
> should ne be held r
> Talk to ya
> Dale


I got this one three times - does that mean I've won 1.5 million? Nice.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: freelottory []
> Sent: 19 April 2006 02:35
> Subject: ATTN: WINNER
> Dear Winner,
> We are please to announce you as one of the 10 lucky winners
> in the FreeLotto draw held on the December 22nd 2005. All 10
> winning addresses were randomly selected from a batch of
> 50,000,000 international emails.Your email address emerged
> alongside 9 others as a category 2 winner in this year's Annual
> FreeLotto Draw.
> Consequently,you have therefore been approved for a total pay
> out of 500,000 pounds (five hundred thousand pounds) only.The
> following particulars are attached to your lotto payment order:
> (i) winning numbers: 08-18-25-32-33-40
> (ii) email ticket number: FL754/22/76
> (iii) lotto code number: FL09622UK
> (iv) the file Ref number: FL/04/736207152/UK
> Please contact the underlisted claims officer as soon as
> possible for the immediate release of your winnings:
> Mr. James Williams
> Chief Claims Officer
> The Freelotto Company
> TEL:+ 44 703185 1604
> calling hour 8am-5pm monday to friday
> N.B: Steps to claiming your prize;
> 1.Please quote your Reference number in all correspondence
> with the claims officer.
> 2.Winners must send thier names, address, telephone number
> and means of identification (international passport, drivers
> licence or work I'D card) to claim officer, via email or fax,
> to process the immediate payment of your prize.
> Once again on behalf of all our staff,
> Sincerely,
> Brant Aden
> Promotions Manager
> The Lotto company
> UK & Europe.
> -------------------------------------------------
> The FreeLotto Awards is proudly sponsored by the Microsoft
> Corporation,the Intel Group,Toshiba, Dell computers,
> Mckintosh and a conglomeration of other international IT
> companies.The freelotto internet draw is held once in a year
> and is so organized to encourage the use of the internet and
> computers worldwide.We are proud to say that over 200 Million
> Euros are won annually in more than 150 countries worldwide.
> ______________________________________________________________
> _____________
> Mail sent from WebMail service at PHP-Nuke Powered Site
> -


Here's the third one - I make that 1.5 million from this lottery now, making
for 2.5 million so far this morning.

Not bad. I think, maybe, by the end of the day, I'll be able to buy a
little place of my own.

Lincolnshire, perhaps.

Nah, it's full of farms.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: freelottory []
> Sent: 19 April 2006 02:35
> Subject: ATTN: WINNER
> Dear Winner,
> We are please to announce you as one of the 10 lucky winners
> in the FreeLotto draw held on the December 22nd 2005. All 10
> winning addresses were randomly selected from a batch of
> 50,000,000 international emails.Your email address emerged
> alongside 9 others as a category 2 winner in this year's Annual
> FreeLotto Draw.
> Consequently,you have therefore been approved for a total pay
> out of 500,000 pounds (five hundred thousand pounds) only.The
> following particulars are attached to your lotto payment order:
> (i) winning numbers: 08-18-25-32-33-40
> (ii) email ticket number: FL754/22/76
> (iii) lotto code number: FL09622UK
> (iv) the file Ref number: FL/04/736207152/UK
> Please contact the underlisted claims officer as soon as
> possible for the immediate release of your winnings:
> Mr. James Williams
> Chief Claims Officer
> The Freelotto Company
> TEL:+ 44 703185 1604
> calling hour 8am-5pm monday to friday
> N.B: Steps to claiming your prize;
> 1.Please quote your Reference number in all correspondence
> with the claims officer.
> 2.Winners must send thier names, address, telephone number
> and means of identification (international passport, drivers
> licence or work I'D card) to claim officer, via email or fax,
> to process the immediate payment of your prize.
> Once again on behalf of all our staff,
> Sincerely,
> Brant Aden
> Promotions Manager
> The Lotto company
> UK & Europe.
> -------------------------------------------------
> The FreeLotto Awards is proudly sponsored by the Microsoft
> Corporation,the Intel Group,Toshiba, Dell computers,
> Mckintosh and a conglomeration of other international IT
> companies.The freelotto internet draw is held once in a year
> and is so organized to encourage the use of the internet and
> computers worldwide.We are proud to say that over 200 Million
> Euros are won annually in more than 150 countries worldwide.
> ______________________________________________________________
> _____________
> Mail sent from WebMail service at PHP-Nuke Powered Site
> -